Friday, April 10, 2015

New Mods

As mentioned previously I put 35" tires on the Bronco and cut the fenders to make sure there was enough space.  It just takes a little time, patience, and a cutting wheel with a lot of spare discs.

I also added some Rock Rails made by my company, JD Offroad.  These help protect the doors and what's lefdt of the body panels.  I hit at big rock 1st day out at Barnwell (Gilmer, TX) with them and no signs of damage!

The almost 30 year old plastic door handle broke while I was opening the door so I'll have to fix that.

I also had an issue on the trail where my power steering hose came loose.  However even after a field repair the fluid leaked out so I think its time for a new hose.

Finally, I removed the old bumper and also had JD Offroad build a new rear bumper.

35" tires, Rock Rails by JD Offroad & view of cut fenders
Rock Rails & cut fenders

JD Offroad custom bumper (this was the test fit; not painted)

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